Right now, Lorne Avenue Public School faces the very real possibility of closing next year. Lorne Ave is critical to the long-term success of East London. Sustained, passionate grassroots efforts like Save Lorne Ave are a testament to the school’s importance in the community.

Years of residential sprawl are putting pressure on core schools like this all over the city, not just in East London. I believe all candidates in Ward 4 agree that we need to find sustainable ways to keep these schools open and to support our core neighbourhoods. This is a time for all stakeholders to come together to find a way forward.

The trustees of the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), the Mayor and residents of the community deserve credit for their efforts to find a way to keep the school open. However, we’ve reached a point where one side is blaming the other for failing to reach an agreement, the details of which are still not widely known. I support the Mayor’s call to continue trying to negotiate an agreement that will keep the school open.

If negotiations are not extended, in the name of open and transparent governance, I strongly urge the TVDSB and the City of London to make public the offer that was presented on March 20th. Residents have worked hard to keep Lorne Ave open, and all Londoners deserve to know what the obstacles to negotiating an agreement are.

My hope is that there is still enough time to keep this important community hub open. For the long-term good of East London, and the broader city, we need to find a way to do so.

Please add your name below if you support extending negotiations and making the city's offer public if negotiations do not continue.


[email protected] / 226-268-7536 (mobile)

56 signatures so far

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Showing 67 reactions

  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-04-30 17:03:36 -0400
    I'm calling for an extension of negotiations to @SaveLorneAvePS. Join me!
  • Nancy McSloy
    signed 2014-04-30 17:02:35 -0400
  • Sam Diamond
    signed via 2014-04-30 16:58:03 -0400
  • Ann Thompson
    signed 2014-04-30 16:53:22 -0400
  • @MandyPenney tweeted link to this page. 2014-04-30 16:45:31 -0400
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-04-30 16:45:31 -0400
    Sign the petition: Save Lorne Ave
  • Mandy Penney
    signed 2014-04-30 16:45:11 -0400