Thank you for your interest in volunteering. You may want to read about the various aspects of my job as a city councillor.
A lot of my time as a city councillor is spent reading reports, asking questions about those reports and deliberating at boards, standing committee and council meetings. The staff at the city and the boards and commissions provide professional advice to inform our decision-making. We also have several volunteer advisory committees that advise us, through reports to standing committees, on matters within the purview of that advisory committee. For example, the London Advisory Committee on Heritage advises the Planning and Environment Committee on heritage matters.
I'm hoping to provide opportunities for Londoners to get involved as advisors to me on certain topics. Here's an overview of those opportunities.
Advisor, Open Data
Open data can help make our local government more transparent and enable resident-driven solutions to issues in our city. I'm looking for someone who is very passionate and knowledgeable about open data, ideally with a software or web development background, and who enjoys learning about and sharing new approaches.
Time Commitment: ~2 hours a week.
Advisor, Transit
As vice-chair of civic works and as a transit commissioner, I am especially interested in improving how we move people around our city. I'm looking for someone who is keen to learn about best practices in other cities that we could employ in London, and who would be willing to review and comment on reports that come to the London Transit Commission.
Time Commitment: ~2 hours per week.
Advisor, Active Transportation
We have a transportation advisory committee and a cycling advisory committee, but I'm looking for someone who is passionate about improving the safety and usability of our active transportation infrastructure like sidewalks and bike lanes and is willing to put in a significant amount of time to research and advise on best practices in other cities.
Time Commitment: ~2 hours per week.
Advisor, Finance, Budget & Audit
Allocating resources is a key aspect of my job as a city councillor. I'm looking for someone who absolutely loves finance and budgets, enjoys digging into the details, and has mad skills with spreadsheets. This is an amazing opportunity to learn a lot about how the city and its boards and commissions allocate resources.
Time Commitment: ~2 hours per week, but peaks in the lead up to and during budget meetings.
Advisor, Internet Infrastructure
I campaigned on the idea of municipal fibre optic and 1,000 MBps service. I'm looking for someone who understands the technical aspects of this kind of infrastructure, is familiar with similar projects underway in other cities, and is willing to put in a lot of time to advance this idea in London.
Time Commitment: ~2 hours per week.